Friday, 23 August 2013

Rocking Your World Friday (August 23rd)

A little bit late this week ( but better than last week when I never made it at all!, but I so wanted to join in another Rocking Your World Friday post. Here is what its all about -  hop over to Virginia's place for a look.  Its a time to reflect and look at the good things that happened during the past week rather than dwelling on the negative.

I am not, it has to be said, at all grateful for the horrid cold I have acquired for the second time in a few weeks!  So this will be short and sweet.....

I am going to start with a photo I had planned to use last week - we had the Piping Live festival in Glasgow last week and I loved hearing the swirl of the bagpipes in St Enoch Square.  Its a beautiful sound.  I also caught up for lunch with my friend, Fiona, who is herself a piper!  It was lovely to see her - her son Danny and my daughter Beth were at nursery together.

Last Saturday was our crop and it was lovely to catch up with everyone and have a good laugh and a blether.  There was quite a production line going - but not scrapping. One of the girls is getting married soon and had a few people involved in making sweetie trees!

I am always grateful to know such lovely people & to know we are always there for
each other.
I managed the UKS weekly challenge, finished a cj entry and managed a good chat.

Here's that weekly!

I also experienced an amazing sermon at Church on Sunday based on
Ecclesiastes 3: 3-8

3 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,...
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
Andrew gave a memorable sermon on verse 8. "a time to love and a time to hate".  I have been thinking about it all week and inspired me to do the following art journal entry
Photo: Art Journal Page inspired by Eccl 3 v 3:8

Yes - there is a time to hate - to hate poverty, child abuse, disease and the serious things that are wrong in our world.  The journalling explains my feelings.  I really appreciated that sermon.

And, finally, I am grateful as ever for my daughters achievements - this year she has won the Standard Grade computing prize.  As ever, we are so proud!  I missed being able to mention our girlie shopping day last week. Here she is at lunch!

PS  And, yes, my baby brother is 50 today - Happy Birthday, Ant.  Love my family x

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Rocking Your World Friday (9 August 2013)

A little bit late this week!, but I so wanted to join in another Rocking Your World Friday post. Here is what its all about -  hop over to Virginia's place for a look.  Its a time to reflect and look at the good things that happened during the past week rather than dwelling on the negative.

Well, this was a very good week as Beth got her exam results which were very good indeed.  I am, of course, a very proud Mum, but most of all I am pleased that she has been rewarded for all her hard work!  Her Dad also deserves a pat on the back as he was the one that organised all her revision and kept her calm during the exams while I was at work.

I am also grateful to my lovely friend , Cath, who sent Beth some very beautiful and grown up flowers to say well done!

And for all my other friends and family who were so pleased for her!  It really was a lovely week.

I joined Slimming World last week and was pleased to lose 3.5 lbs in my first week.  I am grateful to Anne-Marie, the leader, and the other members of the class for encouragement and tips.  Also, my friend and UKS teamie, Heather, for her advice!

I am thoroughly enjoying eating healthily and cannot believe that this wonderful orange and chocolate mullerlight yoghurt is syn free!

I have re-discovered the delights of blackberries, raspberries and strawberries - all super foods!
 And I am grateful for not feeling like I am a diet while eating a big plateful. Today's lunch was particularly colourful!

And finally, I am always grateful that I live in a house with a beautiful view.  This was the view at twilight last Sunday.

See you next week!

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Fifty Two Weeks in Photos

Well, I failed miserably with my intention to do the photo scavenger hunt by forgetting to take the list on holiday with me (again) so when Suzy pointed me in the direction of the challenge on Scattered Scarlet's blog, I thought it was something I might actually achieve!

The starting photo has to be a self-portrait and so my visit to the hairdresser proved timely indeed!  The challenge also finishes with a self-portrait so it fits in nicely with starting my Slimming World diet - that should keep me on track to see a different me in 52 weeks time!!

I also love the album that Jean has made for this project - so plan a go at that too.

So here we go!

Friday, 2 August 2013

Rocking Your World Friday 2 August 2013

Oh dear, despite my best intentions I haven't blogged since last week. I shall blame it on a busy week at work and a stinking summer cold.

So here I am again, joining in another Rocking your world Friday post. Here is what its all about -  hop over to Virginia's place for a look.
So what has been good this week? 

Last Saturday (seems ages ago), Beth and I went through to Edinburgh and met up with my old University friend Judith, her husband Nick, and their daughter Ellie.  I think the girls were about eight when they last met.  We had a lovely time with sandwiches in Princes Gardens and a wander round the University area as Ellie  is interested in applying.  It is so lovely when you meet up with an old friend and it really doesn't matter how long it since you last saw each other - the years melt away.
Beth took a photo of Judith and I for the record.

On Sunday, I was very happy to get some scrapbooking mojo back and finish the UKS weekly and house challenges - using Florida photos of course!

I did mean to blog these separately but never mind!  There is also a very rare picture of me!

On Tuesday evening, I went school uniform shopping with Beth and was extremely grateful that we managed to get most of what we are looking for.  I am also grateful for my lovely girl!

We were also lucky enough to see this amazing rainbow as we arrived home from our shopping trip:

I was not grateful for the cold that I developed on Wednesday but I am glad it appears to be going away now!
Today I had a lovely lunch with Suzy of Sea Glass & Sand fame - we ate out in the centre of Glasgow!  We forgot to get a photo!!!  Can you believe it?
I am also extremely grateful to the people who looked after my Radley umbrella when I left it various places this week - I need to have it chained to my wrist.
Finally, as usual, I am grateful for some great reading this week.  The highlight was Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty.  A totally brilliant and gripping read.
I hope you all had a good week too xx