Friday, 2 August 2013

Rocking Your World Friday 2 August 2013

Oh dear, despite my best intentions I haven't blogged since last week. I shall blame it on a busy week at work and a stinking summer cold.

So here I am again, joining in another Rocking your world Friday post. Here is what its all about -  hop over to Virginia's place for a look.
So what has been good this week? 

Last Saturday (seems ages ago), Beth and I went through to Edinburgh and met up with my old University friend Judith, her husband Nick, and their daughter Ellie.  I think the girls were about eight when they last met.  We had a lovely time with sandwiches in Princes Gardens and a wander round the University area as Ellie  is interested in applying.  It is so lovely when you meet up with an old friend and it really doesn't matter how long it since you last saw each other - the years melt away.
Beth took a photo of Judith and I for the record.

On Sunday, I was very happy to get some scrapbooking mojo back and finish the UKS weekly and house challenges - using Florida photos of course!

I did mean to blog these separately but never mind!  There is also a very rare picture of me!

On Tuesday evening, I went school uniform shopping with Beth and was extremely grateful that we managed to get most of what we are looking for.  I am also grateful for my lovely girl!

We were also lucky enough to see this amazing rainbow as we arrived home from our shopping trip:

I was not grateful for the cold that I developed on Wednesday but I am glad it appears to be going away now!
Today I had a lovely lunch with Suzy of Sea Glass & Sand fame - we ate out in the centre of Glasgow!  We forgot to get a photo!!!  Can you believe it?
I am also extremely grateful to the people who looked after my Radley umbrella when I left it various places this week - I need to have it chained to my wrist.
Finally, as usual, I am grateful for some great reading this week.  The highlight was Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty.  A totally brilliant and gripping read.
I hope you all had a good week too xx


Suzy said...

A fab week Donna and how lovely to meet up with an old friend.

Layouts are fab

I enjoyed lunch and.sitting outside was a bonus, a lovely way to spend a day off work. Glad school shopping was relatively painless, I used to dread it

Thanks too for the Santa Montefiore book, my Mum and I.will both enjoy that

Suzy xx

mamapez5 said...

Time spent with an old friend, time to do some scrapbook work and a beautiful rainbow. Sounds like a great week to me! I hope the end of your cold clears up quickly. Kate x

Chidkid said...

It must have been a good week if no-one stole your Radley umbrella when you left it behind! Nice LO's

misteejay said...

Sounds like a super week. Nothing better than getting a chance to catch up with friends.
Love the LOs and that photo of the rainbow is super.

Toni xx

Virginia said...

Oh Rockettes meeting up - now we definitely need photos of that. Loving your list, sounds like you've had a great week, school shopping is never fun but glad you managed to get things sorted. Glad you also managed to track down your Radley umbrella on its travels to other parts of the universe! Hope you have a beautiful weekend and week ahead, I love reading what you've been doing, thank you so much for joining in!

Lesley G said...

Sounds like a very busy week. Catching up with old friends is great but I don't envy the school shopping!!
Enjoy your week...

Carmen said...

Ah the school shopping - we have that joy to look forward to - being in Kent we have a few more weeks yet before the inevitable panic sets in ;)

Lunch with friends - Rocking friends at that, always good :D

Have a wonderful week Donna! Love that rainbow over the pink sky!